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[Closed] Add UVW for 500 objects

Hi Guys,

I need a little help with a rather simple macro:
I have >500 elements and need to add an individual uvw map modifier for each of them. after adding, I need to change it to Box mapping. Normally that should give me a fitted UVW-box for each of the boxes. I tried using the macro recorder, however I get an error.

here the script:

 macroScript Macro10
 	modPanel.addModToSelection (Uvwmap ()) ui:on
 	$.modifiers[#UVW_Mapping].maptype = 4

and the error message:

 >> MAXScript MacroScript Error Exception: -- Unknown property: "modifiers" in $selection <<
2 Replies

addModToSelection probably fit uvwmap gizmo to all selection.
try this:

m = uvwmap() 
m.maptype = 4
for obj in $selection do addmodifier obj (copy m)
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That works, but it gives me a uvw-box with 1m x 1m x 1m instead of a ‘fitted’ one. Is there some sort of for obj, in $ do ‘click “fit” ?

Got it! Bodos script did it!