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[Closed] Adapt to camera fov

Hi all!

I am sorry if this question has already been discussed but I could not find matching discussion on this forum, please point me to the right direction if i am wrong.

My Dilemma is:

Is it possible to have particles only to be visible when on camera?

I’ll explain it better:

I have a pFlow system that spawns particles on a “noise” surface and stand still to recreate some kind of “grass”. I have already implemented the L.O.D. script in my pFlow so that I can have the geometry of my particles with multires to be optimized when far away from the camera, but as I have Lots of geometry and lots of particles I would like to optimize my scene even further by setting particles to be view dependent.

My idea was to get the Fov of the camera and calculate the “visibily” shape where all the particles wuold be bind to.

Any Idea?

Thanks in advance.

Best Regards

1 Reply

You don’t need a script for this. Get the ParticleFlowFreebies from

They have a “Camera Culling”-operator that does exactly what you want.