[Closed] ActiveX UI colors?
I am playing around with the activeX ui controls and I noticed that when you make tabs and listview boxes etc that the color does not match the UI scheme is there a way to change this with MaxScript or would i have to do that with the SDK.
I am chinese.
I am 3d plug-in development.
with c++ SDK and MAXScript,MEL,vs2005
I hope much friend.
Since you can get the Window Handle of the control, it might be possible to send a message to it to change the colors, but you would have to consult some Windows programming reference for the correct address and values.
Note that the corresponding DotNet controls in Max 9 (for example TabControl) use the correct color from the Windows color scheme and also expose the background and foreground color properties so you could set them via MAXScript.
thanks bobo, However I did a little research on the TextureBaker as it had similar issues
and I found this works perfectly.
-- Set Listview to System Colors
textColor = ((colorman.getColor #text)*255) as color
windowColor = ((colorman.getColor #window)*255) as color
lv.backColor = (color windowColor.b windowColor.g windowColor.r) -- this is he BGR thing...
lv.foreColor = (color textColor.b textColor.g textColor.r)
also i guess if I knew how to read I could have found this in the reference doc
[left]#background -- The background for all controls and buttons
[left]#text -- The text for all controls and buttons
[left]#activeCommand -- The color command mode buttons turn when pressed
[left]#hilight -- The hilight color for 3d controls
[left]#shadow -- The shadow color for 3d controls
[left]#window -- The background color for edit boxes, list boxes and other windows
[left]#activeCaption --
[left]#toolTipBackground -- The background for viewport tool tips
[left]#toolTipText -- The text color for viewport tool tips
[left]#hilightText -- The hilight color in the stack view drop-down list
[left]#windowText -- The color used in edit boxes, list boxes and other windows
[left]#itemHilight --
[left]#subObjectColor -- The color used to hilight sub-object levels in StackView
[left]#3dDarkShadow -- the dark shadow color on 3d controls
[left]#3dLight -- the light color on 3d controls
[left]#appWorkspace --
[left]#trackbarBg -- trackbar background
[left]#trackbarBgSel -- trackbar background for selected keys
[left]#trackbarText -- trackbar text
[left]#trackbarTicks -- trackbar ticks
[left]#trackbarKeys -- trackbar keys
[left]#trackbarSelKeys -- track bar selected keys
[left]#trackbarCursor -- track bar cursor
[left]#pressedButton -- background color for pressed buttons, like the transform constraints
[left]#timeSliderBg -- The background for the time slider bar.
[left]#viewportBorder -- The viewport border color
[left]#activeViewportBorder -- The active viewport border color
[left]#rollupTitleFace -- Rollout title background
[left]#rollupTitleText -- rollout title text
[left]#rollupTitleHilight-- rollout title 3d highlight
[left]#rollupTitleShadow -- rollout title 3d shadow
[left]#selectionRubberBand -- the selection marquee color
[left]#stackViewSelection -- the color of a selected item in stack view
thanks again bobo