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[Closed] ActiveX TabStrip problem

Hi !

In MaxScript, I create scripts that used the ActiveX TabStrip, but since I reinstalled windows ( 3ds max too obivously ) I’m getting this runtime error evrytime I’m trying to run a MaxScript that have Tabs in it.

I’m getting :

– Runtime error: Cannot create the ActiveX control: MSComctLib.TabStrip.2

What sould I reinstall ? :S

( I’m sure the problem is not in the scripts as the error also occurs with the exemple code in the MaxScript Reference )

5 Replies

This is really obvious, but not so easy…

You need the “Microsoft Common Controls” libaries…sounds easy right…

Before you do, run “showAllActiveXControls ()” in the maxscript listener and make sure you don’t have “MSComctlLib.TabStrip.2” – this will at least prove that it is not installed

If you can’t find it, do a search for “MSComCtl*.” or “ComCTRL32.*” in your windows install folder, make sure that the controls aren’t installed

If all else fails, go Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 Common Controls and download and reinstall

Note: If you actually find the controls in your windows folders, it may not be registered properly, but for the life of me, I can’t remember how to do this…

Hope that helps

You need to run this from the command prompt / Run dialog…

To register:
regsvr32 “c:/path/to/your/axcontrol.ocx”

To unregister:
regsvr32 /u “c:/path/to/your/axcontrol.ocx”

Actually, I just found that it’s doing this since I installed Visual C++ Express

I think we are getting somewhere now …

I installed Visual C++ in a different partition, can this be a problem, is there some sort of windows depedencies ?


Let me guess, you have Max 9 installed and you didn’t install Max 8. Max 9 doesn’t work with ax controls as they have been droped. If you install 8 you will get the support for ax installed in you system. Really at this stage it is better to convert all your ax controls over to .net. They are far better to use as well.

Yes I think this is it, I had Max8 before ( I didn’t unistalled it after switching to 9 ) !

“convert all your ax controls over to .net. ” I’m not really familliar with the ActiveX controls as well as .net , do you mean using another method for the tabs or just a different configuration for the files ?

I think it would be silly of me to reinstall max8 on my computer just for this, but hey, if everything else fails I’ll get to this

Thanks for your time !