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[Closed] Accessing different controllers in a list controller with macsript

Hi, I have a small problem where I don’t know how to access each controller in a rotation list controller.
If I have different types of controllers in the list I know I can do something like this:


But if I have 2 Euler_XYZ controllers in the list controller, I don’t know the syntax to access these seperately. I want to use this code inside a rotation script controller.



4 Replies

check the Help File in SubAnims

first test


the same using subAnim


show properties

showproperties $BoneAnim.controller[2]

– returns
.weight : float array
.average (Average_Weights) : boolean
.count : integer
.active : index
.Frozen_Rotation : quat
.Zero_Euler_XYZ : quat
.Available : quat

hope it helps

alternatively, see the List controller’s Interface;

showinterfaces $.radius.controller
Interface: list
.count : integer : Read
.active : index : Read|Write
<void>setActive <index>listIndex
<void>delete <index>listIndex
<void>cut <index>listIndex
<void>paste <index>listIndex
<TSTR by value>getName <index>listIndex
<void>setName <index>listIndex <string>name
<control>getSubCtrl <index>index
<float>getSubCtrlWeight <index>index

The interface would provides the fool-proof access methods; though it’d be unlikely that the subanim indices would change.

Ah yes, thank you guys. Yes, I always forget about subanim. Lucky I have generous people like you to remind me when my brain fails me. Also thanks to Ehsan.



Sub anim indexs is not always the easiest way to do it as you can’t really see what you are getting. You can use getSubAnimNames and get the named tracks and then use those to get to the tracks that you want. More typing but easier to deal with when you come back to it. Also the order cold change in some thing like a list controller and then the index will be incorrect. Problem with using names is the name could change or you could have two of the same name.

Something like…
