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[Closed] Access to Modifier's object
Jun 30, 2013 6:28 pm
Hi everyone,
i would have a question connected to the custom modifier and access to the node that the modifier is being used on.
if I use #node it screems with the dependecy loop
if I use #maxObject it does not asign the object but just the Sphere in this case
plugin modifier test
classID:#(125317,117629) (
local params
parameters main (
obj type:#maxObject --#node
on attachedToNode theNode do (
this.obj = theNode
print "***"
print theNode
print this.obj -- WUT?
print "***"
try(delete (GetNodeByName "mysphere"))catch()
addModifier (a = sphere name:"mysphere" radius:10) (test())
select a
eventually, is there any other way how to access modifiers object without having it saved inside? I would really like to not go trough all modifiers in the scene and search for it.
1 Reply
Jun 30, 2013 6:28 pm
ok, I just found the answer to this :applause:. I will not delete the post, at last it might be helpful for someone in the future.
--for getting the modifiers object directly
refs.dependentnodes $.test
--or assign trough the weak referencing inside of modifier, which is probably useless when having the refs.dependentnodes stuff
this.obj = nodeTransformMonitor node:theNode forwardTransformChangeMsgs:true