[Closed] Accesing to Motion Panel text boxes
Hi there,
I need to type values in the motion panel textboxes, but since there isnt any parameters for it… i dont know how.
Thanks to denisT for this, to press button:
if (hwnd = windows.getChildHWND #max "Collapse") != undefined do UIAccessor.PressButton hwnd[1]
that’s more correct actually:
windows.getchildhwnd (windows.getchildhwnd #max "Command Panel")[1] "Collapse"
I have yet to find a working implementation of changing text in a spinner’s value field using messages. I tend to resort to using dotnet sendkeys for those purposes. Would welcome any input as well.
fn setTrajectorySampleRange start: end: samples: convert:on =
fn editValue hwnd val =
WM_CHAR = 0x0102
VK_RETURN = 0x000D
uiaccessor.setwindowtext hwnd val
windows.sendMessage hwnd WM_CHAR VK_RETURN 0 -- press ENTER key
local task_hwnd = for c in (windows.getchildrenhwnd (windows.getchildhwnd #max "Command Panel")[1]) where c[4] == "MotionTask" do exit with c[1]
if task_hwnd != undefined do
-- first 3 (start, end, samples) -- 4th object's name
local edits = for c in (windows.getchildrenhwnd task_hwnd) where c[4] == "Edit" collect c[1]
if start != unsupplied do editValue edits[1] (start as string)
if end != unsupplied do editValue edits[2] (end as string)
if samples != unsupplied do editValue edits[3] (samples as string)
local convert_to = (windows.getchildhwnd task_hwnd "Convert To")[1]
if convert do uiaccessor.pressbutton convert_to
setTrajectorySampleRange start:10 end:80 samples:2
setTrajectorySampleRange start:20 end:70 samples:3
fn editValue hwnd val = ( WM_CHAR = 0x0102 VK_RETURN = 0x000D uiaccessor.setwindowtext hwnd val windows.sendMessage hwnd WM_CHAR VK_RETURN 0 -- press ENTER key )
:bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown:
Oh my god, whats that? xD Thank you man, ill check it tomorrow. Would you like to explain that witchcraft stuff you have made there? I dont understand anything xD
dude that’s pretty awesome…
Can you please show the correct way to “click” a checkbox, using the same method?
I’ve tried using the UIAccessor.PressButton, changing the key value to the spacebar; but could not actually change the state…