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[Closed] Accesing the Render Output Dialog via MaxScript- How To?

That’s the question.

Is there a way to acces this dialog without having to recode it? (the dialog that appears when you press the button “Files…” in the render output section, inside Common Properties.

I cannot find anything inside the maxscript documentation.


11 Replies
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Joined: 11 months ago

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What do you actually want to do? Do you want to open this dialog for any reason or you want to set render output file?

Check “Standard Open and Save File Dialogs” on the reference for a way to access the standard dialogs. You can also use selectSaveBitMap() for the bitmap dialog. And of course there’s a few other dialogs that can be accessed using .NET.

Actually i want to configure the render output path and file, with it file type related options, i want to get the path for the render, and the file name and type, the same as with the usual render dialog, but from a button inside my script, and i want to get this information to use it as variables.
I think is that, so i want to mimic the save file section of common properties.

Cheers and thanks.

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Joined: 11 months ago

Posts: 0

use Max System Globals:
[left][left]rendSaveFile – boolean[/left][/left]
[left][left]Get/set the state of the Save File option.[/left][/left]
[left][left] [/left][/left]
[left][left]Lets you get and set a String value that defines the output file name for the active renderer. It contains the corresponding value set in the Render Scene dialog. If this global variable is set to “” then Save File check box in the Render Scene dialog will be unchecked.[/left][/left]
[left][left] [/left][/left]
[left][left]and use function selectSaveBitMap() (as Marco said) to define rendOutputFilename[/left][/left]
[left][left] [/left][/left]
[left][left] [/left][/left]
[left][left] [/left][/left]
[left][left] [/left][/left]


With the selectSaveBitMap() i get the dialog i want, but i can access only to the path, how can i be sure that the properties for an RPF (for example) are correctly configured?
Is there a way.


But using selectSaveBitMap()Dialog will mantain the options for the specific file type?

I mean if i save to rpf with some channels active, must i configure it independly, or if i modify the options it will remain with the file name?

It’s still a bit strange for me, sorry for being so slow minded with this.


AFAIK the options for the file types are generic, meaning that you don’t have to set them up each time. As for setting them, I seem to recall they each had their own interface that can be accessed for configuration.

Thanks, i will investigate that

Most save dialog file settings are stored into that files configuration file, typically stored in the plugincfg folder. Once a user commits changes it will be the default the next time you open it. I also, believe some data can be stored in the file, but not sure how/where to access it.

Now a problem you may run into is if you are trying to swap between different setups. Not sure if you can easily store that info, without using maxscript to set the values you want. However, BMP, JPEG, OpenEXR, PNG, RLA, RPF, TGA, and TIF do have maxscript interfaces to get/set most of the needed parameters.



Is there any way to set directory with script? If I want to save my files C:\myRenders ALWAYS

So if I click button A, it will set my render directory as C:\myRendersAAA and with button B C:\myRendersBBB… After that all I have to do is hit render.

Look into setDir, makeDir, pathConfig,