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[Closed] A script to set the TrackviewOriginScale

As 3dsmax animator, i wrote this little macroscript to control the value of the Origin Scale in trackview. I lose too much time to grab the orange line that define the keys scale origin in the 3dsmax trackview.
So I want to share this with 3dsmax animators :

macroScript SetOriginScale category: “_ arno _” toolTip: “OrSc”
try (destroyDialog OriginScale) catch()

rollout OriginScale “OriginScale” width:130 height:80
button btn_place “Set origin Scale” pos:[25,40] width:80 height:25
spinner spn_origin “Value” pos:[10,10] width:100 height:16 range:[-100000,100000,0.1]

on btn_place pressed do 
    trackviews.current.scaleValuesOrigin = spn_origin.value

createdialog OriginScale pos:[100,100]


3 Replies

Great tool… thank you very much for sharing it.


It will be perfect if the macroscript could store the value of a selected key in the value spinner to snap the orange line. I don’t know how to do that. So I select de key value and copy/paste it in the macroscript value spinner


Depends on the current frame position is it possible to choose the transform and axis a snap the origin line.

macroScript SetOriginScale category: “_ arno _” toolTip: “OrSc”
try (destroyDialog OriginScale) catch()

rollout OriginScale “OriginScale” width:220 height:80
button btn_place2 “Set origin” pos:[120,50] width:80 height:25
button btn_place1 “Set origin” pos:[25,50] width:80 height:25

spinner spn_origin “Value” pos:[15,20] width:100 height:16 range:[-100000,100000,0.1]

Local transfArray = #(“Pos”, “Rot”, “Sca”)
dropdownList transf “transf:” Width:50 Height:5 pos:[120,0] Offset:[0,0] Type:#Array Items:transfArray

Local axisArray = #(“X”, “Y”, “Z”)
dropdownList axis “axis:” Width:40 Height:5 pos:[170,0] Offset:[0,0] Type:#Array Items:axisArray

on btn_place2 pressed do trackviews.current.scaleValuesOrigin = in coordsys parent $[3][transf.selection][axis.selection].value

on btn_place1 pressed do trackviews.current.scaleValuesOrigin = spn_origin.value

createdialog OriginScale pos:[100,100]