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[Closed] A little challenge: Make a shell without Shell Modifier

Does anyone want to try it? i was a little surprised how simple is it

16 Replies

Outer Shell only for meshes could be something like:

   	outer = 10.0
   	segs = 3
   	faces = $.faces as bitarray
   	meshop.cloneFaces $ #all
   	for j = 1 to segs do meshop.extrudeFaces $ #selection (outer/segs) 0.0 dir:#independent
   	update $

Without Segments:

   	outer = 10.0
   	faces = $.faces as bitarray
   	meshop.cloneFaces $ #all
   	meshop.extrudeFaces $ #selection outer 0.0 dir:#independent
   	update $

Didn’t really tested it much.
For Inner Shell it would be a little more elaborated, but pretty much the same.

very close… but not correct

and… there is a problem. what can be shelled?

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Is it because of the not welded vertices and flipped faces or is there anything else you are looking for?

 	   outer = 5.0
 	   segs = 3
 	   faces = $.faces as bitarray
 	   meshop.cloneFaces $ #all
 	   for j = 1 to segs do meshop.extrudeFaces $ #selection (outer/segs) 0.0 dir:#independent
 	meshop.flipNormals $ faces
 	meshop.weldVertsByThreshold $ (meshop.getvertsusingedge $ (meshop.getopenedges $)) 0.0001
 	   update $

you are doing everything right. but…
let’s use this sample scene:
delete objects

sp = converttomesh (sphere name:"s" radius:10 segments:24)
meshop.detachfaces sp #{1..264}
meshop.deletefaces sp #{1..120, 145..168, 193..216, 241..264, 289..312, 337..360, 385..528}
update sp

there are two elements… so you have to make two shells.

	outer = 2.0
	meshop.cloneFaces sp #all
	meshop.flipNormals sp #selection
	meshop.extrudeFaces sp #selection outer 0.0 dir:#independent
	-- 	meshop.weldVertsByThreshold sp ...
	update sp

and second is… look at these shells. is any way to make shelled faces seamless? (shell modifier can’t do it).

don’t worry now about seamless normals. but try to have “edge” vertices on same positions for both shells.

Here is a little more complete function:

 	fn ShellMesh node inner:0.0 outer:0.0 segments:1 inMat: outMat: edgeMat: =
 		inFaces = node.faces as bitarray
 		meshop.flipNormals node #all
 		meshop.extrudeFaces node #all inner 0.0 dir:#independent
 		meshop.deletefaces node (node.faces as bitarray - getfaceselection node)
 		meshop.cloneFaces node #all
 		for j = 1 to segments do meshop.extrudeFaces node #selection -((outer+inner)/segments) 0.0 dir:#independent
 		outFaces = getfaceselection node
 		edgeFaces = node.faces as bitarray - inFaces - outFaces
 		meshop.flipNormals node (outFaces+edgeFaces)
 		meshop.weldVertsByThreshold node (meshop.getvertsusingedge node (meshop.getopenedges node)) 0.0001
 		if inMat != unsupplied do for j in inFaces do setFaceMatID node j inMat
 		if outMat != unsupplied do for j in outFaces do setFaceMatID node j outMat
 		if edgeMat != unsupplied do for j in edgeFaces do setFaceMatID node j edgeMat
 		update $
 	ShellMesh $ inner:5.0 outer:15.0 segments:2 inMat:2 outMat:3 edgeMat:4

Edit: Welded vertices are wrong, it should be done by element.

Ok, so what you want is to improve the Shell Modifier rather than mimic it right?

If I understand you correctly what you want is to extrude the faces along the same normal when 2 open edges of 2 different elements have their vertices in the same position.

There are several ways to find the average normal of the vertices and then use something like this to do a custom extrude. What I can’t figure out is how to do it in 1 or 2 lines of code if that is what you mean by “how simple it is”.

for j in verts do
 	vpos = getvert node j + ((getnormal node j) * -outer)
 	setvert node j vpos

i definitely want to improve several modifiers – slice, cap_holes, extrude, and shell for sure.

working on “voronoi” task i found that all these modifiers try to make a job using abstract information where they can use absolutely specified.
there is no 100% correct solution to cap holes if you don’t know is loop “inner” or “outer”.
but when you slice a mesh you exactly know the type of made loops.

the max system needs modifiers – slice_and_cap, cut_and_shell, etc. where ‘intersection’ data passes to next option.

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Sounds like a job for MCG Denis (english sarcasm intended)

I found about the same things while working on the Voronoi Thread.

I was aware of some of the limitations, but I never really cared.

Slice should definitely have an option to cap, and the PolyOp version should have also the options of the Meshop version, remove top, bottom, etc.

The Cap modifier, alone without knowing the sliced data, would be a little tricky to implement, or perhaps impossible in some cases, as the topological data is unknown, but if you sliced the mesh you know all the data.

I find the Shell modifier also a little tricky for what you want to do, which if I am not wrong would be something like what I’ve described above, but could definitely have an option to handle overlapped open edges, or by Smoothing Group or Mat ID, or something that tells what normals should average in order to extrude the faces.

BTW, how simple is the solution you found? Is it a matter of a few lines of code or simple logic what you wanted to say?

Don’t put the solution just yet.

For the Cap problem, one quick and dirty workaround, for example for a sliced tube, could be to build a shape from the open edges, convert to mesh, attach and weld it to the object. It works most of the times, but with some geometries it fails. All the math can be done in the code, but this way is easier.

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everything below is exactly the same as i got.
every next step – cap after slice, extrude after slice, etc. happen when the result of ‘cut-slice’ already wiped.

the shell modifier is ridiculously simple. which fact was surprised me. it’s about 3-4 mxs lines of code.

the same story is about extrude, slice, etc.

all of them are from 90th. twenty years old!

how does extrude face (or edge) works? they move in direction on a specified face’s normal.
that’s why we have ‘overlapping’ of shells.
but if every edge will go in direction of verts which are making the edge the extrusion might be better.

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Isn’t it something similar to what I said?

As open edges (vertices) have a normal pointing in the direction of the face normal, we have to find the average normal of the two vertices in order to extrude them.

Is that the solution you found?

I am intrigued because you said it was very simple. While finding the average normal isn’t hard to do, I though you found a way to do it in 1 or 2 lines.

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it’s not two lines. sorry for disappointing you… but i new that you would be intrigued
that was a point of my ‘trolling’

as i said we have to keep original vert’s normals before cut an use them for ‘per vert’ extrusion.

there is a solution on this forum how to bake and release normals using a map channel.

and i’m ok to show its c++ sdk implementation as a mxs extension (because 80% of it is already shown in the ‘useful mxs extensions’ thread by Klvnk and me).

so we don’t need ‘post-process’ averaging… we have to use ‘pre-process’ data

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