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[Closed] A great idea for a script

hi everyone.
i stumbled upon what i think could be a great idea for a script for max, sadly i lack the syntax knowlege to do it myself & i would like to know what you think of the idea & if there is anyone out there willing & able to write this script.
here’s the idea:
having a intiger number of vertex color channels, that you can chose & assign in the poly editing menu like the current one channel vertex color, & be able to chose between the channels in the material editor.
Until the vertex is assigned a diffrent color than its default, white for example, it will not be remembered, a vertex will only be registered once it is assigned a diffrent color on a certain channel to avoid needless data.

with a script like this there are many things that can be done, which couldn’t be done up until recently. mapping complex objects who need simple maps will be as simple as it can get.

thanks. lemme know what you think.

1 Reply

I think it should be done in two plugins:

  1. new modifire that let you assign vertex colors an id.
  2. new vertex color map that let you choose an id