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[Closed] A few more GDI+ methods…

i had download your joystick script, but how to use it with my character, how to connect joystick to controller in max?and when autokey is ON,how to make your joystick creating a keyframe as I move,then when I playback,joystick moving along like object animation in max?
btw, i don’t have any experience with C#,VB, or other microsoft programming software.So can you tell me a good books to learn C#, and this book straight forward teaching how to creating custom UI?
thanks for your sharing

hi anggahenggara,

At the moment this is something i’m trying to work out myself. You can set up a timechange callback that updates the joystick, but i’ve had a few issues with it. sometimes it sets keys randomly for objects, i’m looking into if its something from the control itself. the timechange callback method was what you had to do before autodesk added the nifty “controller” property to spinners and sliders.

As for books on custom UI building, there aren’t too many but this is fantastic,

not including the sites like codeproject, i’ve learned pretty much everything from there. there is an edition in VB as well as C#

hope this helps.

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