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[Closed] 3dsmax SDK adventure

Thanks Andreas, we put a lot of work into it. I may have to update some of the tutorials though a bit ( You always find things after reading them again that you’d like to change)

 - Start with the howto tutorials. I recommend especially the IntervalArray tutorial. This tutorial shows you how to extend maxScript functions.

If there is anything you would like to be added just ask.

Chris J.

So you’re one of the people responsible for the state of the SDK?! I’d like to stand before you and shake your hand:beer: My SDing has taken a turn for the easy since max8’s sdk help… SDK 7 was quite horrible :argh:

Anyway, something I noticed is that that there are a number of errors in the dllmain.cpp file part of the maxscript extension tutorial (my personal playground), there are some spaces missing between identifiers and variables, if one were to copy the tut letter for letter a whole bunch of errors crop up.

I hope you guys are adding even more stuff to SDK 9.

That tutorial was the first one I made, and went through lots of formats before it landed in HTML. So I can see that it had lots of problems. I’ll fix it.

Other than that, I’m not on the team that does the SDK help anymore. My duties are elsewhere now. But I still have a bit of clout though to influence decisions.

Chris J.

See if you can clout them into making some rollout control tutorials

Well, have you seen the \maxsdk\howto\ui\customcontrols sample project?

 | Purpose: To Demonstrate the use of the MAX Custom Controls.
 |          This plug-in puts up a rollup page in the utility panel with
 |          most of the custom controls.  The comments in the source code
 |          document what is happening.  Also see the Advanced Topics 
 |          section for a description of the custom controls.
 |          Note:  This plug-in does not use Parameter Maps to manage 
 |          the user interface.  Parameter Maps can simplify UI code
 |          for many plug-ins.  See the Advanced Topics section on 
 |          Parameter Maps for more details.
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