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[Closed] 3ds max surface custom press out
Oct 15, 2009 10:51 pm
I have surface represented as mesh and 3d mesh custom object (ex. sphere).
How could I press out my surface in such way, that surface nodes are translated on the distance of sphere surface poins?
Something like extrude, but in extrude parallelipiped is used to translate. Also extrude is applicable only to 2d figures.
Appreciate any of your help,
3ds max begginer
1 Reply
Oct 15, 2009 10:51 pm
What I understand is that you want to extrude your mesh along with the local face normals.
here is the code –
myMesh = sphere name:"mySphere"
convertToPoly myMesh
modPanel.setCurrentObject myMesh.baseObject
subobjectLevel = 4
myMesh.EditablePoly.SetSelection #Face #{1..128}
myMesh.extrusionType = 2
myMesh.faceExtrudeHeight = 10.00
myMesh.EditablePoly.buttonOp #Extrude
myMesh.EditablePoly.SetSelection #Face #{}
subobjectLevel = 0
if this is not what u are looking for then explain ur problem again in detail and provide some code.