[Closed] 3ds max script – select object and execute
Hi I have a problem , i need a quick script that can do
Lets say i have 15,000 objects in one layer
• Select object and do quadrify – press hotkey that i assigned quadrify function
• and to that for whole objects in layer
I know i can’t select all objects and press hotkey(quadrify),
or just simple : select object, press hotkey, and go automaticly to another objects and press hotkey, and keep doing till all objects are done
I have to do that manualy select object and press hotkey “7” – i assigned quadrify (From Customize User Interface)
Need help with this… ; (
Select all objects that have to be processed and execute this in the maxscript editor:
if selection.count != 0 do with redraw off
for o in selection where classOf o == Editable_Poly do
PolyToolsModeling.Quadrify false false
The missing bracket is the smaller problem. Thank you.
if selection.count != 0 do with redraw off
selObjsArr = selection as array
max modify mode
for o in selObjsArr where classOf o == Editable_Poly do
select o
PolyToolsModeling.Quadrify false false
The same question was asked 7 years ago: loop/quadrify all objects