[Closed] 3ds max facial animation script Faceengine
denisT ,
thank you for your comments , I will check them ,
Hello ,
In fact , no bones and helpers only , there are automatically created IK and wiring parameters for facial kinematic chain too, and there is no human rigger , everything is created by user selections , we are only converting them in to a auto-bone creator script, every points can be changed by th user by new motion relations to be different , right ?
Maybe it is easy to make for you , but I did it for the beginners , are you beginner ?
And also I spent 2 years not only for this script , I compiled and run my own facial mo-cap alghoritm proper for 3ds max by delphi , for home users , Because only a few man can work in an animation company and with mo-cap tech , I will CHANGE that with a simple WEB-CAM by my mo-cap software like my simple SCRIPT as you said:
Also , did you use ” XSI facerobot ” , So , I think , according to you facerobot is like that :
” No, no, no… Very bad idea overall in m opinion. ” ,
So , I advice you , do not post a reply until you are sure about a case
And , maybe you want to see the compiled mo-cap project :
With all respect and after seeing your answers in The Area forums… Dude comparing this to FaceRobot is just way off but I’m not getting into a deeper discussion. Good luck.