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[Closed] 3ds max 2013 dwg import bug?


I just upgraded to 3DS Max 2013 at work. I installed it and all of the product updates and have been working in it pretty seamlessly for a week or so.

Yesterday, I needed to import some dwg’s. I have a script I wrote to do that. When I ran the script, the models were coming in with half of the model being correct and the other half was exploded out into space somewhere. That has never happened to me before. As part of troubleshooting, I ran the standard GUI importer for max. The model came in perfectly fine. I tried a couple of different things in my script like setting some of the dwg import settings from the ini file but every time the model would come across exploded into bits when I imported from the script.

After about 30 minutes, the model would not import at all from either the GUI or script and 3DS Max would error telling me the model was corrupted. I would reboot, and could import from the GUI again. The error says: “Unable to Attach this file; the file may be missing, corrupted, or may not contain valid data.”

After an hour or so, I decided that Max 2013 was not playing nice with my Max 2011/2012 installs. I uninstalled 2012 and 2011 with all of their parts and pieces and rebooted. Same problem. So I decide to remove ALL Autodesk software from my computer and reboot > repair Max 2013. Same problem.

About 2.5 hours into it now and still not working. I uninstall 3ds max 2013 > reboot > reinstall max 2013…same problem.

This was gnawing on the cavity that only hours earlier contained my final nerve. I went home, tried it on Max 2012. It imported but the model was still exploded when I ran the script. I opened the dwg with AutoCAD 2013 > saved as dwg 2004 > imported to max with GUI manually. I now have a nice looking model. No resolution on the import error.

Has anyone seen this behavior? I am concerned that the GUI import uses a different function to import than the importFile listed in the maxscript help.

2 Replies

Do you have a DWG file that imports properly with the GUI but not the script that you can share? The files I’ve created work fine in both.

I just got this same error last night. I finished up some modeling in Autocad, saved, launched a render in MAX and left for the night. When I came back the next morning, I trimmed a wall and reloaded the DWG only to receive that error message.

I found a way to circumvent the error message. I redirected the source of the DWG to an unrelated file, reloaded then directed it back to the original. After that, the original drawing seems to reload just fine. The problem now is that I have to reapply all of the scene materials.

I tried closing the scene and seeing if I “fixed” Max, but it just comes back with the error. So, it’s definitely something involving the Max scene. I also seem to loose my undo’s when I do this. So I can’t do the load swap, then undo the file link’s and reload the original to keep the material set up.