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[Closed] .Net – dataGridView Question

Hi guys, i need to select a row using right click mouse button, so i looked up at MSDN for some help and i found i need to use the hitTest method ( ), i try to apply this in maxScript but knock me out!, so i come to you, looking for a kind soul who help me understand this. Thanks in advance.

This is an axample of what i was doing...

     try (destroyDialog roll_Test) catch ()
    rollout roll_Test "Test" width:370 height:210
    	dotNetControl myDGV "System.Windows.Forms.DataGridView"
    	on roll_Test open do
    		local myCol1 = dotNetObject "System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewTextBoxColumn"
    		myCol1.headerText = "Col1"
    		myCol1.width = 100
    		local myCol2 = dotNetObject "System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewTextBoxColumn"
    		myCol2.headerText = "Col2"
    		myCol2.width = 100
    		local myCol3 = dotNetObject "System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewTextBoxColumn"
    		myCol3.headerText = "Col3"
    		myCol3.width = 100
    		myDGV.columns.add myCol1
    		myDGV.columns.add myCol2
    		myDGV.columns.add myCol3
    		myDGV.width = 343
    		myDGV.height = 200
    		for i=0 to 4 do
    			myDGV.rows.add ()
    			myDGV.rows.item [i].cells.item [0].value = "Pleaaaaseee"
    			myDGV.rows.item [i].cells.item [1].value = "hellllllppppp"
    			myDGV.rows.item [i].cells.item [2].value = "meeeeee!!!"
    	) -- on open
    	on myDGV click s e do
    		if e.button == e.button.left then format "Great, you press the LMB! pos: %
" [e.x,  e.y]
    		if e.button == e.button.middle then format "Excellent, you pressed the MMB! pos: %
" [e.x,  e.y]
    		if e.button == e.button.right then format "Yahooooo, you pressed the RMB! pos: %
" [e.x,  e.y]
    	) -- on click
    createDialog roll_Test
    clearListener ()
18 Replies

		on myDGV click s e do if e.Button == e.Button.Right do
			hit = s.HitTest e.x e.y
			if hit.RowIndex > -1 do s.rows.item[hit.RowIndex].selected = on

Hey Denis, thank you very much!, it works perfect!!

Is it possible to filter the input for the cells? . In this case, i want to set the valueType property of a column to Single, if i write “125,6” when i finish editing the cell the number i wrote is fine, but if i write “125.6” when i finish editing the input value changes to “1256” so perhaps i sould filter the input allowing only 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0, and comma characters. is that possible?.

myDGV.columns.item [0].valueType = dotNetClass "System.Single"
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 		fn TextKeyDown s e = 
 			format "%
" (e.KeyCode.ToString())
 			e.SuppressKeyPress = (e.KeyCode == e.KeyCode.OemPeriod) -- which is "." ... the "." on NumPad calls "Decimal"
 		on myDGV EditingControlShowing s e do 
 			dotNet.addEventHandler e.Control "KeyDown" TextKeyDown

A quick simple brute force way to do this could be to filter the string after it’s been input

	 try (destroyDialog roll_Test) catch ()
	rollout roll_Test "Test" width:370 height:210
		dotNetControl myDGV "System.Windows.Forms.DataGridView"
		on roll_Test open do
			local myCol1 = dotNetObject "System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewTextBoxColumn"
			myCol1.headerText = "Col1"
			myCol1.width = 100
			local myCol2 = dotNetObject "System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewTextBoxColumn"
			myCol2.headerText = "Col2"
			myCol2.width = 100
			local myCol3 = dotNetObject "System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewTextBoxColumn"
			myCol3.headerText = "Col3"
			myCol3.width = 100
			myDGV.columns.add myCol1
			myDGV.columns.add myCol2
			myDGV.columns.add myCol3
			myDGV.width = 343
			myDGV.height = 200
			for i=0 to 4 do
				myDGV.rows.add ()
				myDGV.rows.item [i].cells.item [0].value = "Pleaaaaseee"
				myDGV.rows.item [i].cells.item [1].value = "hellllllppppp"
				myDGV.rows.item [i].cells.item [2].value = "meeeeee!!!"
		) -- on open
		on myDGV click s e do if e.Button == e.Button.Right do
			hit = s.HitTest e.x e.y
			if hit.RowIndex > -1 do s.rows.item[hit.RowIndex].selected = on
		on myDGV CellValueChanged s e do(
			if((e.RowIndex != -1) and (e.ColumnIndex != -1))do(
			remainder = filterString s.rows.item[e.RowIndex].Cells.Item[e.ColumnIndex].Value "123456789,"
				if(remainder.count > 0)do(
					messagebox("Invalid Entry")
					s.rows.item[e.RowIndex].Cells.Item[e.ColumnIndex].Value = ""
	createDialog roll_Test
	clearListener ()

Thanks guys, i really appreciate you help, both examples could be very usefull.

I tried to capture the keyCode for Return/Enter key but it seems not to work ( ). I´m trying to use the endEdit () method to exit a Cell when Enter is pressed, but i can´t get it, is Enter key disabled while a cell is being edited? or perhaps keyCode will not be usefull for this. I hope you can help me with this, thanks in advance guys!

I was looking for how to catch Enter key to endEdit a cell, and i think i miss the event handler, i found this at MSDN ( ), so i think i must use the keyPress event handler to use the keyChar property in order to check whether the ENTER key was pressed.

The event handler would be:

on myDGV EditingControlShowing s e do 
  	 dotNet.addEventHandler e.control "keyPress" onEnterPressed
   The problem for me is i don´t know how to implement this example in maxScript, i don´t know how to get the char value of the Enter/Return key. Could somebody give me a hand on this?. Thanks in advance for the patience and kindness

Example 1:

  if (e.KeyChar == (char)Keys.Return)
  	  e.Handled = true;

Example 2:

  if  (e.KeyChar == (char)13)
  { ("ENTER was Pressed") 

in the common case it’s:

(e.keyChar == (dotnetclass "Convert").ToChar (dotnetclass "Keys").Enter)

but you can store the value in local variable for every next use…

Thanks Denis, i tried this, but doesn´t seem to work, am i doing something wrong?, i need to catch enter to end the edition of a cell for the first example of this post. Could you give me a hand on this?, thanks in advance.

  fn enterPressed s e =
  	   if e.keyChar == ((dotnetclass "Convert").ToChar (dotnetclass "Keys").Enter) then
  			print "Enter was pressed"
  on myDGV editingControlShowing s e do
  	 dotNet.addEventHandler e.control "KeyPress" enterPressed

The editing control has to accepts Return. By default it’s probable OFF. Set AcceptsReturn property to TRUE on EditingControlShowing event.

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