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[Closed] .max file integrity

sorry if this question is answered somewhere else but i couldn´t find it. I´m working on a script that opens numerous .max files and corrects texture paths on material definitions. what i need is test the integrity of those files before i open them to avoid a freeze (how do you call when max stops working?) in max, since i know there are some problematic files.

thank you in advance…
and sorry my bad “kind of” english

3 Replies

You could try merging each file into a new scene, if something is merged (objects.count > 0) then do your texture path changes and save as the name of the merged filename to a different folder, so you can retain your original files. This way your should be able to avoid lockups that are file load related, and may even be able to recover some damaged files.

Thank you blue, but i think those files causes lockups when are merged too. Not all, but a expressive portion of them…
anyway i´ll try. thanks again.

tried to merge the file, doesn´t works. Tried other methods like getfilesize, copyfile, ismaxfile, etc; all of them recognizes the file as a valid max file, but when i try to open the file, max freezes. keep searching…