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[Closed] .3ds import / re-import
Aug 17, 2015 9:59 am
Where can I find more info about importing option for 3ds? I couldn’t find any info in the maxscript manual or on the net.
I would like to uncheck the checkbox for [convert units] while importing.
Also is there a way to save the name of an exported file and reimport it?
Basically I want to export a scene, reset max, import the exported scene.
1 Reply
Aug 17, 2015 9:59 am
The checkbox I was talking about is the
“Preserve Max’s Texture coordinates”
Can’t find any information about that anywhere.
Here is the script so far (yeah I know as usual, this script is dirty as hell) and still need to click buttons here and there, but it does the job.
theClasses = exporterPlugin.classes
exportFile (maxFilePath+"\\"+(Getfilenamefile(maxFilename) as string)+".3ds") selectedOnly:false using:theClasses[1]
importdir = maxFilePath
resetmaxfile #noprompt
files = getFiles (importdir+("\*.3ds"))
for i in files do
importFile i
for o in geometry do
converttopoly o
ResetXform (o)
collapseStack o
newFile = importdir + (Getfilenamefile(maxFilename) as string) + "test" + ".max"
saveMaxFile newFile quiet:on
theClasses2 = exporterPlugin.classes
exportFile (maxFilePath+"\\"+(Getfilenamefile(maxFilename) as string)+".3ds") selectedOnly:false using:theClasses2[1]