[Closed] [SDK] ExecuteMAXScriptScript in 3ds max 2022 SDK
I use the ExecuteMAXScriptScript built a plugin for older version,now when I tried to rebuild it in 3ds max 2022 SDK for a new version,there has an error when building in VC++,in older version,this code works fine:
ExecuteMAXScriptScript(_T(fn Test=(print 123)));
Does not work in 3ds max 2022 ,the reason is the command from
ScripterExport BOOL ExecuteMAXScriptScript(const MCHAR* s, BOOL quietErrors = FALSE, FPValue* fpv = NULL, BOOL logQuietErrors = TRUE);
changed to
ScripterExport BOOL ExecuteMAXScriptScript(const MCHAR* s, MAXScript::ScriptSource scriptSource, BOOL quietErrors = FALSE, FPValue* fpv = NULL, BOOL logQuietErrors = TRUE);
What does the ‘MAXScript::ScriptSource scriptSource’ mean?I could not find any example.
How to fix it?Thanks so much.
ExecuteMAXScriptScript(_T(“fn Test=(print 123)”), MAXScript::ScriptSource::NotSpecified);
MAXScript Namespace Reference
enum ScriptSource : int { NotSpecified, Embedded, NonEmbedded}
or you could edit the h file def in the sdk to…
ScripterExport BOOL ExecuteMAXScriptScript(const MCHAR* s, MAXScript::ScriptSource scriptSource = MAXScript::ScriptSource::NotSpecified, BOOL quietErrors = FALSE, FPValue* fpv = NULL, BOOL logQuietErrors = TRUE);
and use your original code.