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[Closed] [maxscript] KDTree. Can we make it faster?

Here’s my attempt to build a non-recursive kd-tree in plain maxscript.
It would be great if someone could show how to improve this code

KDTree build. Time: 0.322sec. Mem: 660280L Points count:9167
Lookup time up to 0.08 sec

	fn AppendKDTreeNode root tree_node =
		potential_parent = root	
		tree_node_pt = tree_node[3]
		active = true
		while active do
			local axis = if potential_parent[4] then 1 else 2

			if tree_node_pt[axis] <= potential_parent[3][axis] then
				if potential_parent[1] != undefined then
					potential_parent = potential_parent[1]
					potential_parent[1] = tree_node
					tree_node[4] = axis == 2
					active = false
				if potential_parent[2] != undefined then
					potential_parent = potential_parent[2]
					potential_parent[2] = tree_node
					tree_node[4] = axis == 2
					active = false

	struct KDTree
		fn CreateFromPoints points =
			local divide_by_x_axis = true
			local tree = KDTree root:#( undefined, undefined, points[1], divide_by_x_axis )		
			local tree_root = tree.root		
			for i = 2 to Points.Count do AppendKDTreeNode tree_root #( undefined, undefined, points[i], true )
		fn Closest n0 n1 target_pt =
			if n0 == undefined then n1 else if n1 == undefined then n0 else
				if distance n0[3] target_pt < distance n1[3] target_pt then n0 else n1

		fn GetNearestNeighbor nodeRoot target_pt state = if nodeRoot != undefined do
			local nextBranch, otherBranch, best

			local axis = if state then 1 else 2
			if target_pt[axis] < nodeRoot[3][axis] then
				nextBranch  = nodeRoot[1]
				otherBranch = nodeRoot[2]
				nextBranch  = nodeRoot[2]
				otherBranch = nodeRoot[1]
			temp = GetNearestNeighbor nextBranch target_pt (not state)
			best = Closest temp nodeRoot target_pt
			dist = target_pt[axis] - nodeRoot[3][axis]

			if (distance target_pt best[3]) >= dist do
				temp = GetNearestNeighbor otherBranch target_pt (not state)
				best = Closest temp best target_pt
		fn FindNearestNeighbor pt = ( this.GetNearestNeighbor this.root pt true )	

	delete objects

txt = Text text:"MAXS\r\ncript"
	addModifier txt (subdivide())
	txt.modifiers[1].size = (distance txt.max txt.min) / 250.0

	pts = for i=1 to txt.numverts collect getvert txt i

	t1=timestamp();hf = heapfree

	::kd = KDTree.CreateFromPoints pts	

	format "KDTree build. Time: %sec. Mem: %  Points count:%\n" ((timestamp()-t1)/1000 as float) (hf-heapfree) pts.count

	-- testing

	delete helpers
	::h1 = point centermarker:on cross:off wirecolor:red
	::h2 = point centermarker:off cross:true wirecolor:green isSelected:true

	deleteAllChangeHandlers id:#xxx
	when transform h2 changes id:#xxx val do
		t1=timestamp();hf = heapfree

		n = kd.FindNearestNeighbor ::h2.pos
		format "Lookup: Time: %sec. Mem: %\n" ((timestamp()-t1)/1000 as float) (hf-heapfree)
		::h1.pos = [ n[3].x, n[3].y, 0 ]

66 Replies

I have looked and tried your code … First of all, I want to say that the code is very pro and clean. To be honest I can’t improve this with just mxs coding tricks.

lookup time is not bad… but the build time…
yes. Doing almost the same on c++ is 100 times faster. The killing issues are:

(this is my guess only yet)

#1 create mxs array
#2 create mxs struct

Replacing the arrays with value type makes it even slower because of the constant random memory access I guess.
So it looks like we’re out of options to improve it except switching to c# tree implementation.

struct KDTree
	tree_nodes = #(), -- point4 values [ left_node_index, right_node_index, point_index, axis ]
	fn AppendKDTreeNode tree_node =
		potential_parent = root	
		tree_node_pt = points[ tree_node[3] ]
		active = true
		while active do
			local axis = if potential_parent[4] == 0 then 1 else 2

			if tree_node_pt[axis] <= points[ potential_parent[3] ][axis] then
				if potential_parent[1] != 0 then
					potential_parent = tree_nodes[ potential_parent[1] ]
					tree_node[4] = if axis > 1 then 0 else 1
					tree_nodes[ tree_node[3] ] = tree_node
					potential_parent[1] = tree_node[3]						
					active = false
				if potential_parent[2] != 0 then
					potential_parent = tree_nodes[ potential_parent[2] ]
					tree_node[4] = if axis > 0 then 0 else 1
					tree_nodes[ tree_node[3] ] = tree_node
					potential_parent[2] = tree_node[3]						
					active = false

What if you change the array[4] to directly hold a value of 1 or 2 instead of a boolean?

#( undefined, undefined, points[i], true )

And then access it directly too, without storing a variable:

if tree_node_pt[axis] <= potential_parent[3][axis] then...


if tree_node_pt[potential_parent[4]] <= potential_parent[3][potential_parent[4]] then...


tree_node[4] = axis == 2


tree_node[4] = if potential_parent[4] == 2 then 1 else 2
1 Reply
Joined: 11 months ago

Posts: 0

it helps indeed, I also removed tree_node_pt since it doesn’t affect the performance at all

KDTree build. Time: 0.226sec. Mem: 663336L Points count:9167

struct KDTree
	fn AppendKDTreeNode root tree_node =
		potential_parent = root
		active = true
		while active do
			if tree_node[3][potential_parent[4]] <= potential_parent[3][potential_parent[4]] then
				if potential_parent[1] != undefined then
					potential_parent = potential_parent[1]
					potential_parent[1] = tree_node
					tree_node[4] = if potential_parent[4] == 2 then 1 else 2
					active = false
				if potential_parent[2] != undefined then
					potential_parent = potential_parent[2]
					potential_parent[2] = tree_node
					tree_node[4] = if potential_parent[4] == 2 then 1 else 2
					active = false

	fn CreateFromPoints points =
		local divide_by_x_axis = 1
		local tree = KDTree root:#( undefined, undefined, points[1], divide_by_x_axis )		
		local tree_root = tree.root			
		local append_tree_node = tree.AppendKDTreeNode
		for i = 2 to Points.Count do append_tree_node tree_root #( undefined, undefined, points[i], 1 )
	fn Closest n0 n1 target_pt =
		if n0 == undefined then n1 else if n1 == undefined then n0 else
			if distance n0[3] target_pt < distance n1[3] target_pt then n0 else n1

	fn GetNearestNeighbor nodeRoot target_pt state = if nodeRoot != undefined do
		local nextBranch, otherBranch, best

		local axis = if state then 1 else 2
		if target_pt[axis] < nodeRoot[3][axis] then
			nextBranch  = nodeRoot[1]
			otherBranch = nodeRoot[2]
			nextBranch  = nodeRoot[2]
			otherBranch = nodeRoot[1]
		temp = GetNearestNeighbor nextBranch target_pt (not state)
		best = Closest temp nodeRoot target_pt
		dist = target_pt[axis] - nodeRoot[3][axis]

		if (distance target_pt best[3]) >= dist do
			temp = GetNearestNeighbor otherBranch target_pt (not state)
			best = Closest temp best target_pt
	fn FindNearestNeighbor pt = ( this.GetNearestNeighbor this.root pt true )	

append tree node function might be cleaner (it’s not faster):

	fn appendTreeNode root node =
		active = true
		while active do
			if node[3][root[4]] <= root[3][root[4]] then 
				if root[1] != undefined then root = root[1] else
					root[1] = node
					active = false
				if root[2] != undefined then root = root[2] else
					root[2] = node
					active = false
		node[4] = if root[4] == 2 then 1 else 2

Sorry to dredge up the thread again, but am I correct in that this would only split on the X and Y axes, and is therefore a K-D tree of only 2 dimensions?

I tried adding the third dimension by adding this method to change the split axis, rather than toggling back and forth on X and Y.

fn nextDimension dim = return 1 + (mod dim 3) as integer

I changed it in the appropriate places:

tree_node[4] = nextDimension potential_parent[4]

Also, in GetNearestNeighbor I send the axis directly:

fn GetNearestNeighbor nodeRoot target_pt axis = ...

and I increment it inside this function also, rather than toggle on state

GetNearestNeighbor nextBranch target_pt (nextDimension axis)

and, of course, use 1 for the initial call instead of a boolean:

fn FindNearestNeighbor pt = ( this.GetNearestNeighbor this.root pt 1 )	

The end of result of all this is… not much noticeable performance improvement. ^^; I did see some gain on initialization (I actually expected the effect to happen on search, not initialization) but not enough to be conclusive. To test in three dimensions instead of two, I replaced the text object with a series of nested GeoSpheres attached into a single Editable Mesh. Here is the result:

– original
KDTree build. Time: 0.081sec. Mem: 548240L Points count:7210
Lookup: Time: 0.025sec. Mem: 480L
Lookup: Time: 0.024sec. Mem: 128L
Lookup: Time: 0.009sec. Mem: 128L
Lookup: Time: 0.024sec. Mem: 128L
Lookup: Time: 0.007sec. Mem: 128L
Lookup: Time: 0.024sec. Mem: 128L
Lookup: Time: 0.006sec. Mem: 128L
Lookup: Time: 0.024sec. Mem: 128L
Lookup: Time: 0.006sec. Mem: 128L
Lookup: Time: 0.024sec. Mem: 128L
Lookup: Time: 0.006sec. Mem: 128L
Lookup: Time: 0.023sec. Mem: 128L
Lookup: Time: 0.007sec. Mem: 128L
Lookup: Time: 0.023sec. Mem: 128L
Lookup: Time: 0.006sec. Mem: 128L
Lookup: Time: 0.024sec. Mem: 128L

– 3d
KDTree build. Time: 0.063sec. Mem: 548440L Points count:7210
Lookup: Time: 0.021sec. Mem: 356L
Lookup: Time: 0.026sec. Mem: 128L
Lookup: Time: 0.023sec. Mem: 128L
Lookup: Time: 0.027sec. Mem: 128L
Lookup: Time: 0.013sec. Mem: 128L
Lookup: Time: 0.026sec. Mem: 128L
Lookup: Time: 0.021sec. Mem: 128L
Lookup: Time: 0.026sec. Mem: 128L
Lookup: Time: 0.022sec. Mem: 128L
Lookup: Time: 0.024sec. Mem: 128L
Lookup: Time: 0.02sec. Mem: 128L
Lookup: Time: 0.026sec. Mem: 128L
Lookup: Time: 0.021sec. Mem: 128L
Lookup: Time: 0.025sec. Mem: 128L
Lookup: Time: 0.021sec. Mem: 128L
Lookup: Time: 0.026sec. Mem: 128L
Lookup: Time: 0.02sec. Mem: 128L

I don’t know if this adds much; I’m actually not sure why the 2D version posted above works seemingly as correctly and efficiently… but just putting it out there. Here’s the whole code with my changes:

fn nextDimension dim = return 1 + (mod dim 3) as integer

struct KDTree
	fn AppendKDTreeNode root tree_node =
		potential_parent = root
		active = true
		while active do
			if tree_node[3][potential_parent[4]] <= potential_parent[3][potential_parent[4]] then
				if potential_parent[1] != undefined then
					potential_parent = potential_parent[1]
					potential_parent[1] = tree_node
					tree_node[4] = nextDimension potential_parent[4]
					active = false
				if potential_parent[2] != undefined then
					potential_parent = potential_parent[2]
					potential_parent[2] = tree_node
					tree_node[4] = nextDimension potential_parent[4]
					active = false

	fn CreateFromPoints points =
		local divideByAxis = 1
		local tree = KDTree root:#( undefined, undefined, points[1], divideByAxis )		
		local tree_root = tree.root
		local append_tree_node = tree.AppendKDTreeNode
		for i = 2 to Points.Count do append_tree_node tree_root #( undefined, undefined, points[i], 1 )
	fn Closest n0 n1 target_pt =
		if n0 == undefined then n1 else if n1 == undefined then n0 else
			if distance n0[3] target_pt < distance n1[3] target_pt then n0 else n1

	fn GetNearestNeighbor nodeRoot target_pt axis = if nodeRoot != undefined do
		local nextBranch, otherBranch, best
		if target_pt[axis] < nodeRoot[3][axis] then
			nextBranch  = nodeRoot[1]
			otherBranch = nodeRoot[2]
			nextBranch  = nodeRoot[2]
			otherBranch = nodeRoot[1]
		temp = GetNearestNeighbor nextBranch target_pt (nextDimension axis)
		best = Closest temp nodeRoot target_pt
		dist = target_pt[axis] - nodeRoot[3][axis]

		if (distance target_pt best[3]) >= dist do
			temp = GetNearestNeighbor otherBranch target_pt (nextDimension axis)
			best = Closest temp best target_pt
	fn FindNearestNeighbor pt = ( this.GetNearestNeighbor this.root pt 1 )	

delete objects

txt = editable_mesh()
for i = 1 to 5 do (
	local geo = GeoSphere()
	geo.segs = 12
	geo.radius = i * 5
	addModifier geo (turn_to_mesh())
	maxOps.collapseNode geo true
	attach txt geo

maxOps.CollapseNode txt true
txt.xray = true
pts = for i=1 to txt.numverts collect getvert txt i

t1=timestamp();hf = heapfree

::kd = KDTree.CreateFromPoints pts	

format "KDTree build. Time: %sec. Mem: %  Points count:%\n" ((timestamp()-t1)/1000 as float) (hf-heapfree) pts.count

-- testing

delete helpers
::h1 = point centermarker:on cross:off wirecolor:red
::h2 = point centermarker:off cross:true wirecolor:green isSelected:true

deleteAllChangeHandlers id:#xxx
when transform h2 changes id:#xxx val do
	t1=timestamp();hf = heapfree

	n = kd.FindNearestNeighbor ::h2.pos
	format "Lookup: Time: %sec. Mem: %\n" ((timestamp()-t1)/1000 as float) (hf-heapfree)
	::h1.pos = [ n[3].x, n[3].y, n[3].z ]

select h2

Here’s an interesting finding after doing some profiling work… I wrote a basic linear search:

	struct PointSearcher
	points = #(),
	fn linearSearchIndex target = (
		if points.count < 1 then return undefined
		local closestIndex = 1
		for i = 2 to points.count do (
			if (distance target points[i] < distance target points[closestIndex]) then (
				closestIndex = i
		return closestIndex
	fn linearSearch target = (
		if points.count < 1 then return undefined
		return (points[linearSearchIndex target])

and for some reason, this turns out to be much faster. I tried it against both my adjustments and the last version posted by @Serejah, and adjusted the time stamp print statement to output the average for all runs – here’s what I got, for 12,180 verts:

k-D lookup: Time: 0.0366896sec. avg
Linear lookup: Time: 0.00656522sec. avg

for 115,210 verts:

k-D lookup: Time: 0.298429sec. avg
Linear lookup: Time: 0.05544sec. avg

for 460,810 verts:

Linear lookup: Time: 0.221226sec.
k-D: (max froze while processing callbacks for maybe a second of dragging)

So, I’d call this a pretty baffling result. Maxscript is pretty mercurial but I suppose what we’re running into is the language overhead mattering more than whatever patterns we come up with? Unfortunate.

Yeah, seems like recursion performance penalty is way too big. But sometimes 2d uniform grid in enough for the task

Time: 0.207sec. Mem: 1936L – PointSearcher
pt: [0.13432,0.92957,0] – avg query

100k points Uniform 2D grid build Time: 1.269sec.
Time: 0.001sec. Mem: 1040L – avg query
pt: [0.13432,0.92957,0]

Interesting – what script are those output logs from?

Not sure if it was the latest version, but anyway. Should be enough for tests

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