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[Closed] [HELP] Slider Bar Linking To xRay function

How could i link a slider bar, to control the xray function of a selected object?

The higher the slider the more the transparent it becomes?

left to right opaque to transparent.


6 Replies


The visiblity of a object is by default a boolean (true or false).
If you assign a bezier_float controller to this property you can have a slider controlling this value:

You will find this under:
[b][color=white][b]General Node Properties

[/b][/color][/b]for example:
$.visibility = bezier_float()
$.visibility.controller.value = 0.5

asign each of your planes the controller and change the controller value in the spinner/slider on changed event.

hope this helps


so if you assign a bezeir_float() , then u can adjust it from anything from 0 -> 1 right?

This in turn will make it see- through?


yes, I hope so.

this is a really bad hack:

  rollout floating "seeThru"(
       spinner seeit "" range:[0,1,1] type:#float
       on seeit changed val do (
  if $.visibility==true or $.visibility==false then $.visibility=bezier_float()
   createDialog floating 100 50

but it demonstrates the use.


Thanks dude, ill give that a go when i go home.

What about using manipulators and parameter wiring? if you can’t do the visibility track you caould do the material!


I see you’re after something else from your other post < :