[Closed] [example] Save material library file for lower max version
I recently worked on a projects with few friends where each of us are used a different max version. The main problem was how to share material lib [*.mat] file because max not have method to save this type of files in lower version. I wrote two simple fn’s that have helped us to easily exchange are mtl-libs and I hope that this fn’s can be useful to someone. Anyway…
First fn will create empty *.max file where all materials and maps from specified mat lib are stored inside root node, and saved in lower max version.
fn Arguments:
matLibPath – fully specified *.mat file path
tempFilePath – fully specified *.max file path (optionaly).
lowerVersion – specify lower version number (BTW lowest version is 2011)
fn exportMtlLibFromHigherVersions matLibPath: tempFilePath: lowerVersion: =
if (matLib = loadTempMaterialLibrary matLibPath) != undefined do
mtlDataCA = attributes mtlData
parameters libs
libname type:#string
maxv type:#integer
mtls type:#materialTab tabSize:0 tabSizeVariable:on
maps type:#texturemapTab tabSize:0 tabSizeVariable:on
if (custattributes.add rootnode mtlDataCA) do
rootnode.mtlData.libname = (getFilenameFile matLibPath)
rootnode.mtlData.maxv = lowerVersion
for m in matLib do
case superclassof m of
(material): append rootnode.mtlData.mtls m
(textureMap): append rootnode.mtlData.maps m
if tempFilePath == unsupplied do tempFilePath = (getFilenamePath matLibPath)
local tempMaxFile = tempFilePath + "\\" + (getFilenameFile matLibPath)
saveMaxFile tempMaxFile saveAsVersion:lowerVersion
exportMtlLibFromHigherVersions matLibPath:@"c:\Users\BGA\Desktop\NewLib.mat" tempFilePath: lowerVersion:2012
Load saved file in other (lower) version of 3dsmax and use 2nd fn.
Second fn will collect all stored mats and maps from root node and create new *.mat file.
fn Arguments:
newMatLibFilename – specify new *.mat file path (optionaly)
fn saveMtlLibToLowerVersion newMatLibFilename: =
if (isProperty rootnode #mtlData) do
if newMatLibFilename == unsupplied do
newMatLibFilename = (maxFilePath + rootnode.mtlData.libname + (rootnode.mtlData.maxv as string) + ".mat")
if (saveMaterialLibrary newMatLibFilename) do
matLib = loadTempMaterialLibrary newMatLibFilename
if matLib.count != 0 do (for i = matLib.count to 1 by -1 do deleteItem matLib i)
for mtl in rootnode.mtlData.mtls do append matLib mtl
for map in rootnode.mtlData.maps do append matLib map
saveTempMaterialLibrary matLib newMatLibFilename
Probably there is better solution for this problem.
probably there is not… but i can suggest to use xref scene to load upper/lower mat sets. it lets you do it without converting CA data to libraries and it doesn’t need reloading the current scene.
Thanks Denis. I not use XRef that’s why I’m not familiar with this method. I always love to see different aproch so can you show some example if it’s not a problem?