[Closed] [SOLVED] Clicking "Convert" button in V-Ray scene converter, possible bug
Hello everyone !
I’m writing a script to Automatically convert Corona scenes to V-ray, I’ve written this but it doesn’t click the “Convert” button and when I do (manually) it bugs the whole 3ds Max 2016 session. I must restart it.
How can it be fixed ?
macros.run "VRay" "VRaySceneConverter"
fn ClickConvert =
local hwnd = dialogMonitorOps.getWindowHandle();
if uiAccessor.getWindowText hwnd == "V-Ray scene converter" do uiAccessor.pressButtonByName hwnd "Convert";
dialogMonitorOps.enabled = true ;
dialogMonitorOps.interactive = false;
actionMan.executeAction 0 "63545" -- Views: Viewport Materials Display as Shaded with Maps
You’re calling “ClickConvert” after the Vray dialog pops up, so the dialog monitor is not catching the new window event.
Always disable the dialogmonitor after using it. Can lead to weird behavior otherwise, in my experience.
This works for me:
fn ClickConvert =
local hwnd = dialogMonitorOps.getWindowHandle();
if uiAccessor.getWindowText hwnd == "V-Ray scene converter" do uiAccessor.pressButtonByName hwnd "Convert";
dialogMonitorOps.enabled = true ;
dialogMonitorOps.interactive = false;
macros.run "VRay" "VRaySceneConverter"
actionMan.executeAction 0 "63545" -- Views: Viewport Materials Display as Shaded with Maps
dialogMonitorOps.enabled = false
Thank you for your quick answer, unfortunately the script doesn’t work for me I tried it on multiple Corona Max files. Are you sure your materials are changed/ scene converted ?
To complete the script, I also added the Renderer Assignment to Vray but I couldn’t figure out how to collect the materials in Material Slot.
fn ClickConvert =
local hwnd = dialogMonitorOps.getWindowHandle();
if uiAccessor.getWindowText hwnd == "V-Ray scene converter" do uiAccessor.pressButtonByName hwnd "Convert";
dialogMonitorOps.enabled = true ;
dialogMonitorOps.interactive = false;
macros.run "VRay" "VRaySceneConverter"
actionMan.executeAction 0 "63545" -- Views: Viewport Materials Display as Shaded with Maps
actionMan.executeAction 0 "550" -- Views: Viewport Visual Style Shaded
dialogMonitorOps.enabled = false
renderers.current = Vray()
macros.run "Medit Tools" "clear_medit_slots"
EDIT: I just tried on Max 2017, it doesn’t work either
it has to be:
fn ClickConvert =
hwnd = DialogMonitorOPS.GetWindowHandle()
if (UIAccessor.GetWindowText hwnd) == "V-Ray scene converter" do
UIAccessor.PressButtonByName hwnd "Convert"
actionMan.executeAction 0 "63545" -- Views: Viewport Materials Display as Shaded with Maps
actionMan.executeAction 0 "550" -- Views: Viewport Visual Style Shaded
DialogMonitorOPS.RegisterNotification ClickConvert id:#PokeVRaySceneConverter
DialogMonitorOPS.Enabled = true
try (macros.run "VRay" "VRaySceneConverter") catch()
DialogMonitorOPS.unRegisterNotification id:#PokeVRaySceneConverter
DialogMonitorOPS.Enabled = false
I don’t have VRay, so I can’t test it…
Thank you Denis ! It works perfectly now ! You’re a Boss !
I added the Renderer assignement to Vray and the ability to collect all the converted Vray materials in Editor :
fn ClickConvert =
hwnd = DialogMonitorOPS.GetWindowHandle()
if (UIAccessor.GetWindowText hwnd) == "V-Ray scene converter" do
UIAccessor.PressButtonByName hwnd "Convert"
actionMan.executeAction 0 "63545" -- Views: Viewport Materials Display as Shaded with Maps
actionMan.executeAction 0 "550" -- Views: Viewport Visual Style Shaded
DialogMonitorOPS.RegisterNotification ClickConvert id:#PokeVRaySceneConverter
DialogMonitorOPS.Enabled = true
try (macros.run "VRay" "VRaySceneConverter") catch()
DialogMonitorOPS.unRegisterNotification id:#PokeVRaySceneConverter
DialogMonitorOPS.Enabled = false
renderers.current = Default_scanline_renderer ()
renderers.current = Vray()
macros.run "Medit Tools" "clear_medit_slots"
mats = for m in scenematerials collect m
for i= 1 to 24 do (
if mats[i] != undefined then meditMaterials[i] = mats[i]