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[Closed] [SDK] Function Publishing and Maxscript Interaction

I was wondering if there is a way to get feedback from a Function Publishing function in c++ inside a maxscript gui ?

Lets say I have function in maxscript which is very processor intensive, In it there is a while loop doing all this work and while working it reports the progress to the maxscript interface, The user can at any point stop this process by pressing a button.

If I do it in c++ with Function Publishing can I send feedback of what is doing to the maxscript gui and stop it by clicking a button ?

I’m trying to find a sample on the sdk that does something similar but have not been able to find anything. Any tips/suggestion appreciated.


7 Replies

sure you can… You can pass any mxsfunction to a published function (with parameters) and execute (apply) it, and get its result back.
you can find how to do it in qsort or pastbitmap sdk code for example. The passed function can be in global and local scope as well.

I will take a look at that code.

Thanks DenisT,

denisT, can you point me to the location of the qsort or pastbitmap code. I can’t find it.

I can’t imagine writing c++ without some tool to search in sdk files. grepWin isn’t the fastest one but doest its job pretty well

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Joined: 10 months ago

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this is my favorite: AstroGrep


CTRL+SHIFT+F is “Find in Files” in MSVS. Set the path to your SDK directory and never worry about relying on an external search app (at least while you’re in your IDE) again. It’s very fast.