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[Closed] [REQUEST] Slicing script

I like to model buildings from a plane with a (tiled square) texture applied, and the preserve UVs ticked. The problem with this method, that the mapping goes outside of the 0…1 UV space.

Im looking for a script which slices the editable poly, and moves back to the 0 … 1 UV space.
I hope my excellent drawing clears it, what i want.

Actually i have found a script Texture Atlas Generator which should do the same thing (among others), but it doesnt work as it expected:

-I started with a 100 x 100 plane (see. front view white plane) with preserves UVs.
-moved the edges
-run the script, which made the correct slices (see purple plane) but the also altered the texture, and it doesnt have the same brick size anymore.
