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[Closed] [MXS] Unwrap_UVW – texture mapping animation

Hello everyone, I’m new to this community and I’m posting here to seek for help. I am actually pretty new to 3DS Max in general, and even newer to Maxscript. However, having a past programming experience, it wasn’t that hard to understand how things work there. I managed to create two importers for some 3D file formats of a game, using purely maxscript.
Mesh building, uv coordinates, and animations work perfectly, the only problem I have is when it comes to UV coordinates animation. This format stores UV coordinates for every single frame, so my problem is not where to get the data from: it’s actually how to apply it and make it animated. It seems that Unwrap_UVW supports UV animations, but I wasn’t able to get it working using maxscript, it only works when doing the work manually (and it’s a great hassle, to be honest). So, question is: how do I get this damn modifier to animate my texture mappings through maxscript? Does anyone have any example I can start from? Thank you in advance.

7 Replies

Can you precise which parameter of which modifier exactly you want to animate ?

It’s the Unwrap_UVW modifier, or at least I think so. Doing some researches, it seemed like it was the only modifier able to animate UV mappings. Thing is, following the documentation I have found a function, SetVertexPosition, which even accepts a time parameter. I tried using that, but it does not work. I think it does not set the keys somehow, but I have no idea why.

Can you paste the code here ?

Okay, so I first read the first frame’s UV coordinates and faces using this code:

setNumTVerts obj UVMapCount
  for i = 1 to UVMapCount do
  	 tu = ReadFloat f
  	 tv = ReadFloat f
  	 setTVert obj i tu tv 0.0
  buildTVFaces obj
 for i = 1 to (facesCount / 3) do
  	 uvface1 = (ReadLong f) + 1
  	  uvface2 = (ReadLong f) + 1
  	  uvface3 = (ReadLong f) + 1
  	 setTVFace obj i uvface1 uvface2 uvface3

and then I add the modifier:

addModifier obj (Unwrap_UVW())

After this, I loop through each frame and read the coordinates this way:

animate on
 	for i = 1 to numFrames - 1 do
 		at time i
 			... [some other code here, unrelevant] ...
 			for j = 1 to UVMapCount do
 				tu = ReadFloat f
 				tv = ReadFloat f
 				print("UV Coordinates at time "+(i as string)+", vertex "+(j as string)+": "+(tu as string)+", "+(tv as string))
 				obj.Unwrap_UVW.SetVertexPosition i j [tu, tv, 0.0]
 				--meshOp.setMapVert obj 1 j [tu, tv, 0.0]

But it does not work. It does not move the UV coordinates, or, even worse, it looks like it just considers the last coordinates for the whole animation. I do really have no idea why this would happen, I am new to this but by reading the documentation, this seems to be how UV animations should be treated… but I probably misunderstood something

I have not found a solution yet, sadly Can anyone help me, please?

#1 you have to force MAX create controllers for Unwrap_UVW points.
you can do it selecting all verts and calling:
[b]with animate on $.Unwrap_UVW.MoveSelected [0,0,0]

#2[/b] you have to create a key for every point controller
addnewkey $.Unwrap_UVW[<k>].controller 0f

#3 use animate context (with animate on) when you set position (or move) vertices[b].

[/b]you have to understand that to make everything work the modifier has to be current modified object and UV Editor has to be opened.

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Joined: 11 months ago

Posts: 0

Hello denisT,
thank you so much for your post! This helped me a lot, I managed to figure out the problem and it all works perfectly fine now! The problem was I weren’t selecting the object, so the Unwrap_UVW modifier wasn’t “active”. I was already using the animate context, and the function I used to move the vertices is Unwrap_UVW.SetVertexPosition. It is working just fine right now, thank you again!