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[Closed] [MATH][WIP] accelaration along path

carlos, thank you a lot for renger script:)

i just wonder why i cannot fix this with standard MAX tools?..

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Joined: 11 months ago

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Well you can! Go to the dopeshoot en select the edit ranges icon… there you have the ranges for the controllers… it’s has been there hidden for quite a long time :)…




I just figured out that MAX isn’t language independend
At work we have a german installation and both scripts don’t work.
(I always beg to switch to English software here.)

Carlos’ script behaves really funny and unpredictable when animataing the speed at random points. I don’t know if this is due to language problems or misuse as it complains at startup about some missing attributes …
It ‘litters’ the timeline with keyframes, something I think you mentioned can be hidden.

Andrei’s script worked fine at my english home installation but it depends on some attributes names that differ in the german version.

This is just to let you know. You don’t need to provide fixes.

I still consider this as a WIP thread.

I will try to consolidate the scripts to work language independend and support “units/time”.
Maybe it is possible to implement a online/offline switch like FK/IK switch.

I will keep you posted with my efforts.


some thing tells me your not using max 7,
and the attribute holder script is not isntalled(this version before 7 you had to install it your self).
i realy doubt max script is lenguage dependent. but it wouldn’t hurt to ask at the discreet forum. where some one with better insight could answear that.

the range problem with controllers can be fixed with out scripts.
if you select the controller in the dope sheet and you toggle the track display instead of the keyframed display, you’ll see the range of the controller, you can select the ends and drag them so the cover a larger span of time.

all the script does is go thorugh all the objects in the scene find all the controllers that have this set ranges and set expand them the same way you would manualy.


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This is MAX 7.5 (english) and the messagebox still pops on opening the scene …
“– Unknown property: “Custom_Attributes” in EmptyModifier:Attribute Holder”

I must admit:
The language dependece only exists if you reference controllers by their name.
“Path Constraint” is “Pfadbeschränkung” in the German version. So a script getting a controller by its name seems to fail. But who uses german versions anyway?



thanks again

ja ja ja ja
well thats the way it goes right, you get an idea put it down in 5 minutes, and then you spend a few days getting it to work properly…
don’t know what’s causing the problem your having.
one thing worth trying is.

change the line…
disccache = $point01.modifiers[#attribute_Holder].custom_Attributes.cache

disccache = $point01.attribute_Holder.custom_Attributes.cache

i think that might be a typeo.




here is a preview version of my speedAlongPath utility

after executing the script:

[li] select a path[/li]
[li] place additional speedmarker[/li]
[li] calculate[/li]
This is based on km/h – you need a long enough path to test it

I learned a lot about callbacks and stuff the last month.
It will take some time to implement it into this tool – interaction will be a lot easier then.
also I need to get into the gw-methods to get a better representation of the speedmarkers.


thanks for reply, JHN
CarlosA has already told about this possibility.

If you know the distance, or make it real-life, then you can take the linear velocity and equate it to the angular rotations and have an xform on the object. Just a thought.


does this script:“speedAlongPath” work with max 6?
I got this error message:
Syntax error in keyword parameter, <factor> in line: perc:cp.value.x


I don’t know if it works with max6, as I don’t have it (installed).

The error is caused by the Curve Control.
Do you get the error at starting the script, or during the execution?
Sometimes there is a runtime error …

But I want to wait for max8 and its debugger to continue with this tool.


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