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[Closed] [C#] passing enum values from mxs to C#

I’m new to Enums and I’m trying to figure out how I can pass enum values form Max script to a C# method.
For some reason the argument is not being recognized…

here’s my C#

namespace myTools
    public class Files
        public enum AssetType {heroes,grunts,weapons,items}

        public string newAsset(AssetType type, string assetName)
            string message = string.Format("NewAsset:{0} {1}", type.ToString(), assetName);
            return message;


and the mxs with –listener output

Files =dotNetObject "myTools.Files"

type=dotnetClass "myTools.Files+AssetType"

Files.NewAsset (type.heroes) "newHero"
-- Runtime error: No method found which matched argument list

3 Replies

Try to define the enum outside of the class.

LO tells you about the right usage of public enums. if you want to use an enum across different classes you have to define the enum outside the class.
but if you want to use some enum mostly in one class but make it visible for other classes you still can do. and can define it as public inside the class. but an access to this enum will be different.

here is a sample that shows these two cases and their usage with mxs:

 	source  = ""
 	source += "namespace TRYIT
 	source += "{
 	source += "	public enum Place { Left = 0, Middle = 1, Right = 2 }
 	source += "	public class EnumTest
 	source += "	{
 	source += "		public enum Place { Left = -1, Middle = 0, Right = 1 }
 	source += "		public object GetPlace(object place)
 	source += "		{
 	source += "			return place;
 	source += "		}
 	source += "	}
 	source += "}
 	csharpProvider = dotnetobject "Microsoft.CSharp.CSharpCodeProvider"
 	compilerParams = dotnetobject "System.CodeDom.Compiler.CompilerParameters"
 	compilerParams.GenerateInMemory = on
 	csharpProvider.CompileAssemblyFromSource compilerParams #(source)	
 ((dotnetobject "TRYIT.EnumTest").GetPlace (dotnetclass "TRYIT.Place").Left).value__
 ((dotnetobject "TRYIT.EnumTest").GetPlace (dotnetclass "TRYIT.EnumTest+Place").Left).value__

More about…Enum
