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[Closed] "unresolved external symbol" when using/referencing MNMesh

Using the samples as a guide, I started to make a modifier. The TriObject stuff works, but the PolyObject stuff does not. If I try to reference polyObjectClassID, or call anything from the MNMesh pointer, it throws that error at me, like so:

Error 3 error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol “public: class MNMap * __cdecl MNMesh::M(int)const ” (?M@MNMesh@@QEBAPEAVMNMap@@H@Z) referenced in function “function name here”

What’s the deal? I included the 3 mn* headers, but still busted.

1 Reply

Fixed. Had to include this crap:

#pragma comment(lib, “Poly.lib”)
#pragma comment(lib, “MNMath.lib”)