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[Closed] "steprender" script request


need a script to render frames step by step manually, i found this but links doesnt work


i have large amount (300-400k) particles (pflow setup) with highpoly “shape instance”s

my only option looks like render with mentalray (with “use placeholder objects” and “mesh per particle” options its render blazing fast and without memory consumption)

but mental ray didnt render animated particles properly via “active time segment” or “range” methods (when “mesh per particle” option checked in pflow)

it looks correct only when render frames manually… (eg. goto x frame, then hit render…)

therefore i need a script to render my timeline, frame by frame manually


3 Replies

Here is what I’ve got so far it needs some help from the experts though as it keeps saving over the same file name and my brain is melting

renderSceneDialog.close() --the renderer needs to be closed
renderers.current = mental_ray_renderer() --sets the render to mental ray

for i = 0 to 10 do
	sliderTime = (currentTime + i)
	outputfilename = uniquename  "test" --Change to suit your self
	outPath = getFilenamePath "C:\\Documents and Settings\\Bite Me\\My Documents\\3dMax12\\renderoutput\\" --Change to suit your directory but keep the double backslashes
	render outputFile:(outPath + outputfilename + ".png") camera:$Camera001 outputSize:[320, 240]  vfb:off

ok this works. yay

renderFrames=#{1..11}-- specify frames to render YOU NEED TO CAHNGE THE LAST NUMBER TO SUIT.
b=bitmap 480 270 filename:"C:\\Documents and Settings\\Bite Me\\My Documents\\3dMax12\\renderoutput\	est.png"--create a new bitmap -- You'll need to change the 480 and 270 to suit your render size
for i= 1 to renderFrames.count do--loop though renderFrames
	if renderFrames[i] then--if supposed to render frame...
		at time i	--set time context
		render 480 270 camera:$camera001 to:b  vfb:off -- render to bitmap frame -- You'll need to change the 480 and 270 to suit your render size. If you want to watch it render you can change vfb:off to vfb:on
		save b frame:i -- save each frame as you advance
	)-- if you save AFTER the loop,
-- just the last frame is saved.
close b-- close the output file - this will also get rid of
--the reference to the bitmap value and free its memory.

thanks pal… looks like its work!