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[Closed] "scrollPos" equivalent for Dialogs?

Do rollout Dialogs have an equivalent to a rollout Floater’s .scrollPos property?

I’d wanted to use createDialog instead of newRolloutFloater, but I don’t see any get/set property controlling the scroll position.

5 Replies

Hey John,

Rollouts turned into dialogs with createdialog don’t have scroll bars – not sure what you’re referring to? Even when the dialog is shorter than the rollout, no scroll bars will appear, so dialogs are typically static unless you code a function that updates the positions of all the UI elements as it is resized (something I like to do). If you’re looking for a scrollable rollout style interface nested inside a dialog, you should look into subrollouts.


As James mentioned, you have to do it yourself. You can use a treeview to use its scrollbar to move the controls up or down. Have a look at LayerMan to see a similar example. It doesn’t move dialog controls, but it shows how to use the scrollbar of a treeview.


This is actually what I’ve done already, with a subrollout inside the dialog rollout, and multiple rollouts assigned to that one subrollout. It behaves and scrolls like a floater window, but I need to be able to get/set the scroll position…otherwise I have to use a floater.

Like this?

 	rollout nestedRollout "Nested"
 		button test1 "test"
 		button test2 "test"
 		button test3 "test"
 		button test4 "test"
 		button test5 "test"
 		button test6 "test"
 		button test7 "test"
 	rollout mainRollout "Scroll Test"
 		spinner scrollPos "Scroll:" scale:1 range:[0,120,0] type:#integer
 		subrollout theSub height:100
 		on scrollPos changed val do theSub.rollouts[1].scrollPos = val
 		on mainRollout open do addsubrollout theSub nestedRollout
 	createdialog mainRollout height:140

Yep, that’s it…thanks.