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[Closed] "SimpleManipulators"


How can I make a resizable rectangle and some text in grid space, like in this picture.

only with manipulatros gismos…
Im tried this all day , but nothing found.:hmm:

15 Replies

are width and length in pixels or in units?

is not for unwrap, the units (cm) will be used

manipulator can be in world (3D) space or in screen (2D) space.
if the manipulator is in screen space, width and length in world units doesn’t make sense for me.

what “grid space” is?

is in 3d space ,is base of a cube. The same way , when you create a spline rectangle.

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Joined: 11 months ago

Posts: 0

try this one:

plugin simpleManipulator resize3D_Manipulator
name:"3D Resizer"
classID:#(0x2feb1967, 0x173d058a)
	local rd = colorMan.getColor #manipulatorsSelected
	local yc = [1,1,0]
	local bc = [0,1,1]
 local ac = [0,0.8,0.8]
 local ic = [0,0.7,0.7]
	parameters main rollout:paramRollout
  xPos type:#float animatable:off ui:ui_xPos default:0.0
  yPos type:#float animatable:off ui:ui_yPos default:0.0
  width type:#float animatable:off ui:ui_width default:0.0
  length type:#float animatable:off ui:ui_length default:0.0
 rollout paramRollout "Target Manipulator"
  group "Parameters: "
   spinner ui_xPos "X Position: " fieldwidth:56 range:[-1e9, 1e9, 0.0] type:#worldunits align:#right offset:[0,0]
   spinner ui_yPos "Y Position: " fieldwidth:56 range:[-1e9, 1e9, 0.0] type:#worldunits align:#right offset:[0,-2]
   spinner ui_width "Width: " fieldwidth:56 range:[-1e9, 1e9, 0.0] type:#worldunits align:#right offset:[0,0]
   spinner ui_length "Length: " fieldwidth:56 range:[-1e9, 1e9, 0.0] type:#worldunits align:#right offset:[0,-2]
 on canManipulate target return (iskindof target resize3D_Manipulator)
 tool create
  local pos
  on mousePoint click do case click of
	pos = nodeTM.translation = gridPoint
   2:  #stop
  on mouseMove click do case click of
	this.width = gridPoint.x - pos.x
	this.length = gridPoint.y - pos.y
 on updateGizmos do 
  local cc = if (target != undefined) then 
   this.xPos = target.xPos
   this.yPos = target.yPos
   this.width = target.width
   this.length = target.length
  else ic
  local pos = [this.xPos,this.yPos,0]
  local size = [this.width,this.length,0]
  giz = manip.makeGizmoShape() 
  giz.addPoint pos
  giz.addPoint (pos + [this.width,0,0])
  giz.addPoint (pos + [this.width,this.length,0])
  giz.addPoint (pos + [0,this.length,0]) 
  giz.addPoint pos
  this.addGizmoShape giz gizmoDontHitTest cc cc
  this.addGizmoMarker #bigBox pos 0 yc rd
  this.addGizmoMarker #hollowBox (pos+size) 0 bc rd
 on mouseMove m which do if target != undefined do
  projectedPoint = [0,0,0]
  viewRay = this.getLocalViewRay m
  local pl2 = manip.makePlaneFromNormal z_axis [0,0,0]
  pl2.mostOrthogonal viewRay pl2
  if (pl2.intersect viewRay &projectedPoint) do case which of
	target.xPos = projectedPoint.x
	target.yPos = projectedPoint.y
	target.width = projectedPoint.x - target.xPos
	target.length = projectedPoint.y - target.yPos

Finaly I can continue with a good base!

many thanks Denis. It is something new for me , alone I wil never get it

The text which I adedd by this.addGizmoText , is not displaying for the most part.
I dont know if is problem of my PC, or gismo text function?

   Global sketch3D_plane_node
Global sketch3D_plane

plugin simpleManipulator sketch3D_plane
classID:#(0x3f79562a, 0x662c3770) --GenclassID()
	local rd = colorMan.getColor #manipulatorsSelected
	local yc = [1,1,0]
	local bc = [0,1,1]
	local ac = [0,0.8,0.8]
	local ic = [0,0.7,0.7]
	parameters main rollout:paramRollout
		xPos type:#float animatable:off ui:ui_xPos default:0.0
		yPos type:#float animatable:off ui:ui_yPos default:0.0
		width type:#float animatable:off ui:ui_width default:0.0
		length type:#float animatable:off ui:ui_length default:0.0
	rollout paramRollout "Target Manipulator"
		group "Parameters: "
			spinner ui_xPos "X Position: " fieldwidth:56 range:[-1e9, 1e9, 0.0] type:#worldunits align:#right offset:[0,0]
			spinner ui_yPos "Y Position: " fieldwidth:56 range:[-1e9, 1e9, 0.0] type:#worldunits align:#right offset:[0,-2]
			spinner ui_width "Width: " fieldwidth:56 range:[-1e9, 1e9, 0.0] type:#worldunits align:#right offset:[0,0]
			spinner ui_length "Length: " fieldwidth:56 range:[-1e9, 1e9, 0.0] type:#worldunits align:#right offset:[0,-2]
	on canManipulate target return (iskindof target sketch3D_plane)
	tool create
		local pos
		on mousePoint click do case click of
			pos = nodeTM.translation = gridPoint
			2:  #stop
		on mouseMove click do case click of
				this.width = gridPoint.x - pos.x
				this.length = gridPoint.y - pos.y
	on updateGizmos do 

		local cc = if (target != undefined) then 
			this.xPos = target.xPos
			this.yPos = target.yPos
			this.width = target.width
			this.length = target.length
		else ic

		local pos = [this.xPos,this.yPos,0]
		local size = [this.width,this.length,0]

		giz = manip.makeGizmoShape() 
		giz.addPoint pos
		giz.addPoint (pos + [this.width,0,0])
		giz.addPoint (pos + [this.width,this.length,0])
		giz.addPoint (pos + [0,this.length,0]) 
		giz.addPoint pos
		this.addGizmoShape giz gizmoDontHitTest cc cc

		this.addGizmoMarker #bigBox pos 0 yc rd
		this.addGizmoMarker #smallHollowBox (pos+size) 0 bc rd
		wid_txt = "Width: " + abs size.x as string 
		wid_pos = [pos.x+size.x, pos.y+1, 0]
		len_txt = "Length: " + abs size.y as string 
		len_pos = [pos.x, pos.y+size.y, 0] -- - (getTextExtent len_txt).x
		this.addGizmoText wid_txt wid_pos 0 yc rd
		this.addGizmoText len_txt len_pos 0 yc rd
		return (wid_txt+" "+len_txt)
	on mouseMove m which do if target != undefined do
		projectedPoint = [0,0,0]
		viewRay = this.getLocalViewRay m
		local pl2 = manip.makePlaneFromNormal z_axis [0,0,0]
		pl2.mostOrthogonal viewRay pl2

		if (pl2.intersect viewRay &projectedPoint) do case which of
				target.xPos = projectedPoint.x
				target.yPos = projectedPoint.y
				target.width = projectedPoint.x - target.xPos
				target.length = projectedPoint.y - target.yPos

if  sketch3DDialog != undefined do destroyDialog  sketch3DDialog
rollout sketch3DDialog " Sketch 3D" width:76 height:452
	groupBox grp1 "Shapes:" pos:[4,4] width:68 height:104
	groupBox grp2 "Tools:" pos:[4,112] width:68 height:180
	groupBox grp3 "Options:" pos:[4,296] width:68 height:152
	button btn_plane "r" pos:[8,20] width:24 height:24 toolTip:"Rectangle"
	button btn_extrude "e" pos:[8,128] width:24 height:24 toolTip:"Extrude"
	on btn_plane pressed  do
		if isValidNode sketch3D_plane_node do delete sketch3D_plane_node
		sketch3D_plane_node  = sketch3D_plane()
		manipulateMode = off  
		manipulateMode = on
	on btn_extrude pressed  do
createDialog sketch3DDialog pos:[170,80] style:#(#style_toolWindow, #style_sysMenu)

Hi Rene, try to add a completeRedraw() at the end of the code into “on mouseMove” event.

  • Enrico

nop , text is still hidding during resizing rectangle, or viewport is moving.
by the way you know how to start this plugin from custom interface?
in my case is not starting like tool ,but only shows up in scene center

I had a similar issue before adding the redraw function, now it works well on my system, trying it on 3ds Max 2009 x64.

To make the script available from Customize User Interface… and associate a shortcut or toolbar button to it, you need to create a MacroScript. Something like:

macroScript ScriptName
tooltip:"My Script"
    plugin simpleManipulator sketch3D_plane
        <manipulator code here>

    rollout sketch3DDialog " Sketch 3D" width:76 height:452
        <rollout code here>

    on execute do -- MacroScript event handler
        try (destroyDialog sketch3DDialog) catch ()
        createDialog sketch3DDialog pos:[170,80] style:#(#style_toolWindow, #style_sysMenu)

I hope I got what you’re looking for.

  • Enrico
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Joined: 11 months ago

Posts: 0

Interface is not a problem , but I have trouble to run this plugin from inside correctly.
with this sketch3D_plane() will be gismo apear directly on scene with size [0,0,0]
I need something which will be start this plugin like a Tool
to let me chose place vhere will be created and drag his size manualy.

I hope is written now to make some sense …

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