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[Closed] <Edit_Poly>set/getSelection question
Feb 24, 2008 7:24 pm
I’m trying to get an edge array on an object, extrude selected faces in Edit_Poly mode, then get a revised edge array.
s = sphere()
polyop.setFaceSelection s #{24,25,26}
polyop.setEdgeSelection s #all
eArray = polyop.getEdgeSelection s
print eArray.count
m = Edit_Poly()
addmodifier s m
m.setOperation #ExtrudeFace
m.extrudeFaceHeight = 5
m.setSelection #Edge -- calls for a second Arg here... what?
mArray = m.getSelection #Edge
print mArray.count
What I’m not getting is how to create the revised edge array. It’s obviously something basic I’m overlooking. Help, please? Many thanks.
2 Replies
Feb 24, 2008 7:24 pm
s = sphere()
polyop.setFaceSelection s #{24,25,26}
polyop.setEdgeSelection s #all
eArray = polyop.getEdgeSelection s
print eArray.count
m = Edit_Poly()
addmodifier s m
max modify mode --switch command panel to modify tab
select s --select the object
m.setOperation #ExtrudeFace --set the operation to extrude face
m.extrudeFaceHeight = 5 --set the height
m.commit() --we have to commit the extrusion before the new edges can be seen as part of the object
m.setSelection #Edge #{1..(m.getNumEdges())} --select all edges from 1 to the new last edge
mArray = m.getSelection #Edge --get the selection bitarray - should be the same as above - #{1..256}
print mArray.count --and should have 256 bits
Not sure what “revised selection” means, but if you want ALL edges, you just have to pass a bitarry with bits set from 1 to the number of edges. It would have been easier if there was a #all flag for it, but there isn’t.
Feb 24, 2008 7:24 pm
Thanks yet again, Bobo. Greatly appreciated. With luck the quality of my questions will improve.